Albert Szymanski (1941-1985)

Albert Szymanski (1941-1985) was a sociology professor teaching at the University of Oregon. He has written many articles and books in the finest Marxist tradition.

His books include:




6 Responses to “Albert Szymanski (1941-1985)”

  1. Albert Szymanski Says:

    My name is Albert Szymanski, 48, live in Warsaw, Poland, Very interted in the works of the sociology professor, would lite to read but no possibilitied to achieve any of His books here

  2. David O'Kane Says:

    I often wonder what happened to Prof Szmanski…. I was a big fan of his Class Structure: A Critical Perspective – Praeger (New York), 1983. man! he died way to young 😦

  3. Brenda Michel Says:

    I took a Marxist theory class from Prof Szymanski at the U of O in 1980 or so. Changed my life, changed my perspective. Am thinking of him today and how much I grew in (and from) his class and the discussions we had in it. Was rattled by his suicide, disturbed by it. Am so sad and sorry, still. Thanks for having this little memorial page for him.

  4. Harry Humphries Says:

    Al was my best friend, mentor while I was a graduate student at the University of Oregon from 1975 to 1980! He was a fierce fighter for working class people everywhere!

    His impact on sociology and those whom he taught, helped and supported cannot be underestimated! Even today, the question that is asked by both who knew him and those whom disagreed with him is β€œ WHAt WOULD SAY ?l

  5. Phillipe Santos Says:

    Why are bo copies of his books to buy online? The few I can find can’t be delivered in the netherlands, is someone afraid of what he wrote? There isn’t even a page for him on Wikipedia, I gues I will have to print a copy of the books myself

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